A Piece of Chocolate or Else the Hollywood Love, Please
When I was younger, Hollywood love was all I knew.
When I was younger, Hollywood love was all I knew.
When I am attached to someone and fear losing the person, I called it love. When I felt inadequate and thought life must be better with a particular person, I said, “I need you.” I miss someone when I could not find happiness by myself.
It took me an age to realize those ideas painted in a Hollywood movie are not real and actually are far opposite to real love. It was a lack of love, a self-love.
However, I could not deny Hollywood love was a big part of my healing journey.
When the man went a thousand miles serving me, it healed me. Receiving the worshiping helped me remember my divine femininity.
Being seen and wanted was healing the neglected wound that was long ignored.
Even though those ideas were no longer the love I wanted to embody, I do crave it like craving sugar after a long time of withdrawal.
I want a piece of chocolate, or else the Hollywood love.
My name is Lita Jane, spreading Love, sharing Relationship tips, and sneak peeks into the Sexuality and Spiritual realm.
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