Be a Writer? Is It God’s Will, or Am I Hallucinated?
I posted an article that didn’t get attention as I thought it should.

I posted an article that didn’t get attention as I thought it should.
I felt hurt and doubted that God’s whisper to bring out the stories was just my hallucination.
I sat in misery with repeated negative voices of my own.
God has never told me I will be famous or rich by writing those stories. He just told me to write.
Then if that is all I will get, write my heart out and the stories sit in the darkness with only me as a companion.
Will I still write it?
Yes, I will. Period.
I am going to continue.
My husband noticed my sadness which was very obvious. He held my hand and said
Don’t give up.
Oh, That must be God’s words.
I Quit My Conventional High-Paid Job to After My Long-Forgotten Dream
Feel alive as I have never
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