Come Jump and Dance With Me. I Am a Paid Writer
The article with no claps and responses made most of my Medium paycheck
The article with no claps and responses made most of my Medium paycheck

I am all over the moon now, I am officially a paid writer, and I am reading articles on Medium for free from now on. I make more than $5 a month now.
I want to scream my small success. I was very happy when I first made my first $1 by writing. I wanted to jump, dance, and send messages to all my friends and family because if I could make $1, I could make $10, $100, $1000, and so on, but I thought it was such a small success to say it out loud.
Thanks to Francis Lee, I read his article that he celebrated his first $1 on medium, and that inspired me.
There is no success thing that is too small and doesn’t deserve to be celebrated, so here I am celebrating like I earned my million dollars. I made money online from my writing. Oh, holy God, Thank you so much.
This small amount of money is significant to me. It showed that I knew how and I could only get better.
The most ridiculous thing was that payment came from only one article, “Supercharge Your Chakras With This Hidden Sexual Magic,” which received no clap and response. I even complained about how unsuccess it was in this article, Be a Writer? Is It God’s Will, or Am I Hallucinated?
My guess was people did not want to show up when they read articles that contained sexual content. They preferred to read quietly.
That is how I know I have to write some more on that specific subject, which will be in Wild Love Holy Island, the series.
I hope my readers will feel more comfortable with their sexuality. It is sacred and beautiful.
This event changed my perception of what a success story really is and how I should still be faithful to my work even if I didn’t receive the feedback and validation I was looking for.
Thank you so much, Medium, all publications, and the people behind them.
Thank you, my readers. You made one person happy like never, and I will continue to spread more love and juiciness.
I thank you, and I love you.
My name is Lita Jane. Spreading Love, sharing Relationship tips, and sneak peeks into Sexuality and Spiritual wisdom. Signing up for my newsletter for the coming stories.
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