Do You Believe in Another Realm or It Is Just a Synchronicity?
My latest article went public, I got a notification in an email. There were 44 notifications. I was amused because it was a story of number…
My latest article went public, I got a notification in an email. There were 44 notifications. I was amused because it was a story of number 4.
In the story, I prayed for a soulmate guide to come in my dream. Then I dreamed of the number 4. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal it was just a number but that number lead me to find the greatest love of my life.
What does the number 4 mean?
Your life is being guided by angels and you have been taken under their wing.
I am a full heart believing in another realm and something greater and beyond the eyes, and the mind. I felt a communication from an Angel from another side and that made my day.
What about you? What do you believe?
Pray, Sleep, Meet Love, Everlasting One
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“Wild Love Holy Island” The Series
The documentaries on sacred sexuality romance on a spiritual
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