Love & Relationship Journey
He is God’s work, not your

A guy said
Before you date me…
You need to understand that I’m damaged. I get triggered easily. I have struggled with things. There are nights when I’m curled up on a ball on the floor and I won’t talk to anyone. I’ll shut you out. I’m not going to be able to trust you for a while,
and it goes on and on . . .
Source: offical._.nadine, viral on Instagram
Lita Jane on Instagram: "Ladies! Listen to the warning, Don't fall into a savior…
Don’t date this guy unless you are a therapist.
I want you to say no to this!
I am hurt when I see a woman’s love life goes miserable. She didn’t get the love and attention she deserved.
One of the crucial factors to having a healthy relationship started with whom you pick to be by your side.
You can be a magician, a healer, knowing how to change people, but why do you always choose the uneven road for your love life?
This kind of man attracts a kind heart woman who thinks she could help him out of his situation.
He deserves compassion that is definitely sure. You can stay friends and still help him in that way.
But once the moment his P is in your V, the spiritual bond is connected. His problem will become yours.
Don’t say that it is the way to show unconditional love.
Give that to you first and believe that you deserve the finished man, the real man who knows how to navigate his emotions and who has no avoidance issues.
Let an unfinished man be a work of God and don’t be God yourself.
The only unfinished work you need to do is on yourself.
Ask yourself, if something in you that is always attached to this kind of person.
There might be a need to validate your value that you are good enough, kind enough something enough that you think you can change him.
That not enough in you made you want to be with a man who will never give you enough of his love.
There is nothing to do with you. It is just because he can’t give you what he hasn’t.
When women say no to this kind of man, it gave motivation for men to change and heal themselves.
When a woman knew her value and raises her standard it gives man another goal to aim for.
For God's sake, be a reward for his triumph but not his therapist.
Read more stories I have for you and let's move on from an unqualified man.
Love & Relationship Journeys
My name is Lita Jane, spreading Love, sharing Relationship Journeys, and sneak peeks into the Sexuality and Spiritual realm.
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