My love, thank you for reading me and supporting me all along.
Recently I feel so energized with a flow of creativity. I reunited with a platform Medium.
If you never heard of Medium before, it is where you can publish any writing and get paid for like a Youtube of texts.
I started to write there again after a long break up with Medium.
(Full story is in the article To Newbie Writers Whose Stories Were Kept in The Medium Darkest Corner, This is how I got out of a dark hole)
My first article after a long break “Rest and Let God Do the Work for Your Finances” got some beautiful feedback that made me feel another hope of a dream maker again.
I gain some followers and a lot of fun so I continue writing some more,
I Earned Yearly Income Within Three Weeks of Serving God
Here is how it happened and step by step of what I did
and more
If Paying High Taxes is No Longer an Option But Your Economic is Not as Wealthy One Just Yet
Here is why we choose to reside in Andorra (a country)
and more
Finally, We Met Face to Face, the Omicron
Story of two overcoming a rumor around this tiny virus
oh not finished yet
How a Beginner Writer Like Me Got Published in a Big Publication
A story of a little effort and a bigger miracle
You may see how much fun I have had so far …
but it is not all!
I also created a list on the top “Dare to Dream” (On the top heading section) to document my experience, thoughts and feeling on the journey of making my dream come true.
I find what inspired us, humans most are not the know-how of how to achieve whatever we desire in life but the real-life story of the person who never gives up on their dream.
I believe we can learn so much from other life stories and here I began . . .
My dream is dynamic, changing at times. At the current moment and time, I dream that my stories will touch many people’s hearts and create a positive impact on their life. I wish when people hear my name they feel hope for their future.
I do not know what will lay ahead but I want to live every second of my life with purpose.
You are welcome to be part of the journey.
Before I go, I have a song for you. This song shakes my soul, initiating tears of fire in me every time I hear it. Now I pass it on to you. Enjoy
The fools who dream, from Lala Land
Here’s to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here’s to the hearts that ache
Here’s to the mess we make
She told me
“A bit of madness is key
To give us new colors to see
Who knows where it will lead us?
And that’s why they need us”