English Is a Language Not a Measure of Intelligence
I am a broken English writer who has a message to share
I am a broken English writer who has a message to share
I came upon a post on Linkedin and it triggered me to speak about my pain as a broken English speaker/writer.

English is my second language and I just can’t help wanting to express myself in a language that triggers my insecurity.
As a broken English speaker, I got bullied by native speakers sometimes.
The person said.
“With your English ability, I doubt you can do well as a writer.”
The same person also suggested I should write in my mother language but not English.
or the recent fellow Medium writer's response like this.
As a broken English speaker and writer I felt insecure expressing myself. I don’t have enough vocabulary to pour out all my feelings and emotions.
But if someone wants to speak and write in my mother tongue I will never look down at them and said they should change their mind or they should do something else.
I will support and help them grow.
It hurt to hear feedback like this but I am not going to stop because the world needs an uplifting broken English message more than an academic harmful opinion.
I believe perfection is the worst enemy we could ever face in all kinds of creation. No one cares are perfect unless we talk about perfection in a spiritual context of course yes we are all perfect the way we are.
Our perfection brings out insecurity in other people. The more perfect we are the fewer people trust us as a Human! The only machine that can do a perfect job!
I came to the point to accept that I will never be a perfect writer. I will never deliver perfect English vocabulary, grammar, or whatever and I can guarantee you that there might be misspellings here and there or even in this article.
What the fu*k I can’t even make perfect writing in my mother language so I stop trying but accepted.
I love my imperfection. It encourages others that we don’t need to be perfect to express ourselves.
It allows us to be who we are and allow us to make a mistake and still be in love with it.
F*ck it I love my imperfection.
Even though I can’t be a perfect writer but I promise that I will be an authentic writer with the pure intention to bring love, encouragement, and uplifting message to the world.
I can’t guarantee that you will love what I write but I promise to love you in every single word I express.
And everything that you find resonance with you. It is all God’s grace that using me as His instrument to deliver you the special message that personalizes to you and you alone.
There is nothing I can do without His inspiration and I am forever grateful to be part of this world and be able to connect and serve as many as possible.
My name is Lita Jane, the great imperfection human and I love it. Consider subscribing to my email list and joining full access to a Medium via my referral link, that will be much appreciated.