Finally, We Met Face to Face, the Omicron
Story of two overcoming a rumor around this tiny virus
Story of two overcoming a rumor around this tiny virus
It started with Charlie, my husband who first got a fever. He was weak like I have not seen in many years.
I got to do something. I took a car key feeling so nervous. I had never driven even one time in the past two years and I have never driven in the left-hand car ever in my life.
It was snowing and the road was covered with ice, outside was minus four. I prayed for protection. I knew I had violent a law by doing that but I was desperate.
I went straight to a nearby pharmacy. The pharmacist didn’t speak English but she did understand when I asked for Antigen tests and paracetamol.
I swabbed a sample from Charlie’s nasal for the test. The test showed two lines that indicated a positive result.
However, one of the lines was very pale so we decided to give it another try the next morning. Perhaps we didn’t want to believe that he got it and that mean probably me too.
The next morning we did the same test on Charlie, less than a min the test showed two lines with both strong red colors. There was nothing we could deny.
We both went to a nearby laboratory and have a PCR test feeling confident that the result would be positive as my symptom started to develop. I coughed and had a fever.
The first thought that came to my mind was shame. I was afraid of people shaming me for not taking enough care to prevent myself from affection. I felt guilty as if I had done something wrong.
The first night was difficult to sleep because of fever, headache, and body aches but most of all the voice in the head was out of control.
The fighting thought of faith that we would be healed and a fearful thought of what if the symptom developed more and more.
The PCR test arrived and confirmed that both of us were affected. We were sure about the result but not sure what to do next as there were no instructions or recommendations if we need to move to curtain place for quarantine? So I guess we would quarantine ourselves at where we were.
On the second day, I felt even worst, everything from the first day plus sore throat and more cough, and the tiredness that like sucked me back to the bed every time I tried to get up.
The worst part was the uncontrollable mind. It was a nonstop 24 hours movie that forced my fatigue body to be awake.
The mental torturing was more painful than the pain in the physical body.
But it was not all bad, Charlie’s condition seems improving on his third day (my second day). He kept telling me tomorrow I would feel better and I believed in what he said.
The second night was again like a midnight movie that kept running in my head, some random and unimportant things.
I gave myself a massage and did some easy yoga on the bed to calm my mind down released some tears and felt compassion for both of us.
Even though it was not easy I was grateful to be in a safe and comfortable place held by love and care from each other. That was the best medicine.
By 5 am I finally fell to sleep. The next day was like an open sky. I didn’t have any more fever even though still had so much triteness and still need some more recovery.
I thought to myself. The worst part had passed. All those fear was for nothing.
Of course, it was not pleasant to be sick but still, it was very far from life-threatening.
I am thankful for this experience. I did not regret anything. It helped me to overcome the fear that I heard from mainstream information. How scary it was the fear of the unknown from overconsuming information.
A thin veil of rumor around this tiny virus was transformed into another kind of friendship as it was embraced in my body. It was not the most friendly new friend but surely we could live together in harmony.
By now when you are reading this, we both recovered and are well.
Thank you for reading, and feeling us
My name is Lita Jane. I am sharing inspirational stories serving Love, Hope, and Faith.
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