Rest and Let God Do the Work for Your Finances
My story will help you believe in miracles
How My Belief Around Money Was Programmed
When I was young, my dad taught me a financial lesson that money does not grow from trees, and if I want something, I need to work for it. Not only did he teach me by words but also assigned me a household duty trading with a weekly allowance.
It sounded like a great lesson for a child and it should not be any harmful, wasn’t it?
If I did a job I would earn a decent amount, enough for me to spend and save for what I wish. In other ways, if I ignored to do a chore I would be sure not to receive any cent. Household duty was not a difficult task but for a child sometimes it was and I hated it.
Some weeks I was not motivated and missed that weekly allowance. You can imagine how horrible it would be the consequences of not having money.
I learned fast at an early age that I must work even if I hated it otherwise I would be sure to suffer. That statement was rooted in my subconscious deeply.
When I entered adulthood, I got a good job that provided me with a decent income. Thank you my dad for his teaching. It worked. I was a financially stable person.
The Fear of Money Came to the Surface
Little did I know that my motivation behind making money was fear, fear of not having. Looking back I didn’t like my job that much but that was a life I thought everyone had to endure. As long as I work I felt secure but the test has come.
A few years back I hit a rock bottom in my life, heartbroken, lost the sense of who I was, and had no motivation to continue to work. I decided to quit my job. That was when I recognized a tremendous unreasonable fear of mine. It was silly as I have still savings from 15 years of work but that was a great chance to revisit my belief about money and those memories of my childhood.
I Chose to Rest in God
When I realized what the root cause of my fear was, I didn’t know how to overcome it so I did the greatest act of a hopeless.
I prayed.
In the middle of my confusion, God came and rescued me. Sometimes it needed that low-life bottom to surrender to the greater of the greater. In God’s comfort, I heard the promises. It came in all different ways and different forms, like one of this bible verse, Matthew 6:25–34 of God’s comfort
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:26.
I read and cried over the verse over and over feeling like a bird finally find its nest. I heard the promising and the whisper of wisdom…
“Rest as long as you need. I will take care. Serve fear no more… serve me, I am love.”
I took a big leap of faith to rest which might be the easiest thing for many people but for someone who never stop working in the last decade it was the most difficult to stop worrying about tomorrow.
Miracles Did Happen
Miracles happened from small little things to big things. I earned money equivalent to one year of work from my long-time investment, which miraculously happened to be double in value. I knew it was an answer to my prayer and the faith I hold on to. I deserved it.
That little child in me got prompted by love and learning a new belief about money. She knew how worthy she is and she doesn’t need to fight or work for everything that she want. She can rest and life will provide.
These days, this fear is still active in me but much more on a subtle level. God reminded me that I am worthy and life is full of miracles. Rest and trust and do the work I am here for … the work I love.
Let me assure you that God’s love is equivalent to everyone and I nor a favored. Miracles happen to everyone at any time.
It is God’s nature to share the love with us.
We all deserve it.
If you are one like me who struggles with trying to make a financial living. Take a moment to breathe, have faith and pray. You shall receive. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34)
Thank you for connecting with me. My name is Lita Jane. I am writing a hopeful story bringing you back to love, hope, and faith. Continue our relationship further by signing up for my newsletter, Lita Jane.