Supercharge Your Chakras With This Hidden Sexual Magic
For happiness, creativity, and financial stability
For happiness, creativity, and financial stability

What if your life can be better, with more creativity, and financial stability with the help of sex?
It was Fleur who introduced me that sex can be more, and sacred. I met her during a women’s retreat. I spot her from the moment she arrived in the event hall. She was young, beautiful, and sensually vibrant. I loved everything about her from her silky long blonde hair, blue eyes, blue like the morning sky, the sexy long legs, and the way she laughed openly. Something about her captivated me in surprise. She sparked joy and excitement inside of me.
Her young spirit reminded me of my younger self, who loved fearlessly. Her essence invited me to join her in a colorful world.
One day during our retreat, I saw Fleur in front of the retreat center. She wore a sexy black dress paired with long feathers earrings, a sensual vibe surrounded her like a well-loved woman. I greeted her cheerfully and walked over to sit next to her.
“How are you doing?” I asked.
“I am exhausted.” she sighed.
“What happened?”
I hardly saw her tiredness; instead, I felt the radiant aura coming out of every inch of her skin.
“Too much sex.”
She exhaled, and I blushed.
S-E-X, Word-Must-Not-Be-Named, I’ve never felt comfortable hearing and speaking THAT word. Although I looked like an open-minded woman, when it came to sex, my Asian and Buddhist background kept me conservatively, at least in public.
My silent embarrassed reaction was enough for her to continue.
“We practiced chakra sexual pleasures.”
She felt comfortable talking about sex as it was another random subject like another kind of food.
“We have sex for five hours every day. I could not manage to sleep enough. My secret garden is also in pain.” She complained.
“!” I stretched my eyes, not believing my ears,
“My partner has practiced sexual continence for several years now.”
“So he has never umm…. ejaculated?” I asked.
“Very rare, Only if he wanted to. Don’t tell me you have ever been with a tantric man?”
I shook my head as an answer. Well, I was with Angel, but I did not dare to speak about it. He was not quite yet a tantric man anyway.
As so you know tantric man referred to a man who practices Tantra. Tantra is an ancient Indian practice that covered many areas but in the modern world, people often perceive Tantra as a sexual spiritual practice or other words tantra sex. Men will practice semen retention along with meditation, yoga, and so on.
“Why not?”
She looked at me as though I refused a million-dollar offer. “We are here on the special little paradise. You should take a chance.”
Yes, where we were was special. I could not think of another name best describe what this island was about than “Wild Love Holy Island.”
The island and its people kept surprising me with their sensual spiritual characteristics and believe me, the story I going to share with you is by far the simplest one and ordinary conversation you may find here each day as if the world is spinning around that stick named penis.
“Tell me more.” I moved closer to her to make sure no one could hear us even though there was no one around.
“Do you know the seven chakras?” She asked.
“Yes, a bit. A swirling wheel of energy along the base of the spine through the crown of the head.” I bragged about what I have learned and endured myself in the wild love holy island.
“Yes, correct! I didn’t know that you were a sweet little nerd.” Fleur laughed.
“Come one! don’t make fun of me.”
“Ok, I am sorry.” Fleur giggled and continued.
“Our seven main chakras should stay open, aligned, and fluid to maintain physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Blocked energy is like a plugged toilet. Sexual energy is a powerful tool that can remove the blockage and help chakras stay balanced.” Fleur explained.
“Are you saying a penis is like a toilet pump?” I giggled. “So, what about the vagina?” I poured on laughing.
“Very funny, Lalita” She squinted her eyes at me.
“Sorry, please ignore what I said and continue.” I put my hand on my mouth to shut myself but can’t help that my mind was still stuck at the toilet pump.
“Alight, think about that, how powerful sexual energy is. You and I and everyone are the outcomes of our parents engaging in sexual energy.”
“Agree! I got your point but still, it’s kind of wired to think about sexuality in that way.”
“Sexual energy is a natural thing and beautiful. I don’t see why humans take it as a taboo subject. Think about the pollination process of flowers. It is a flower that makes love in public. So beautiful, isn’t it? The male part makes love to the female part, and it becomes a fruit. Sexual energy is sacred and the source of the creation.”
I imagined what Fleur just said and I can’t agree more. Especially in my culture, sex is not something well appreciated. We all did it but acted as if it never happened and every baby just came from the sky delivered by a big white bird.
“You have a point again. So how did you use sexual energy to balance chakras? I still can’t follow.”
“Let me give you an example, we dived into the third chakra, solar plexus, Manipura. Whatever you want to call it.”
She tapped her hand around her belly, where the third chakra was located.
“The fire element,” I added.
“The willpower, self-esteem, and the sense of purpose. That doesn’t sound sensual.”
“It does! think about the shadow side of it.”
“What? Manipulation? the desire for power?” I felt the heat inside my navel.
“Yes! He tied me up and splash a candle on me. He demanded me to call him master and beg for him to penetrate me with his fully elected master sword.”
“Ooh,” I exhaled “Did that hurt?”
“No, it was exciting.
“Manipura sex has something to do with being dominant and submissive?”
“Yes, one of a kind.”
“Then it is my turn to dominant. I pushed him and forcibly tied him onto the bed. I managed to get on top of him and took over his command center. I gave him a ride that he had to beg for more.” Fleur giggled.
The flame of heat flushed over my entire body from my head to my little toes. I tried not to blush, but my cheeks were red.
“Is that too crazy for you?” She concerned.
“Arr… no, I will never judge you.”
“Don’t worry. I felt wired too.” She laughed, and I felt relieved.
“But then the magic happened. I felt calm, and the need to control subsided. I was able to surrender to whatever life was.”
“Wow, is that what you mean by balancing the third chakra?”
I felt like I was getting closer to enlightenment.
“Yes, exactly!”
“Arr, I got it!” I nodded quickly.
“Instead of projecting the negative controlling energy toward something that we may regret later, we could project it into the S-E-X.”
Oops, I said THAT word finally. Surprisingly, I felt more comfortable.
“We do that all the time in life, so why not into sex? No one hurt, just fun.”
She added. “Under our mutual consent, then everything is ok.”
“That is very right. No, it is perfect.” I felt naughty. “Tell me more.”
“Then, we explored the second chakra.”
She tapped her private part gently where the second chakra was located. I felt the sensation moves from my navel to my secret space.
“Svadhisthana, sacral chakra, whatever you want to call it.” I finished the sentence for her.
“Yes! Flow like water, sensual, and W-E-T.” She emphasized.
“We started by he poured yogurt and honey all over my body, in every crease and crevice.”
She intended to speak slower on purpose.
“Then he slowly licked them off before we made love under the shower. When he entered me, it was like a sea monster swimming in the ocean of lust.”
“Ooh, ” I gulped.
I could hear the saliva moving down my throat.
“Do you know what great could come from Svadhisthana sex?”
Fleur questioned me.
I thought for a moment. “Creativity?”
“Yes! After sex, I could go for an hour and hour pouring my creativity into my art.”
That is amazing, I visualized combining Svadhisthana sex with my writing. That must be a lot less of a hustle.
“What about the first chakra, the root?”
“Muladhara, the earth element, strong and wild” She giggled
“He gave me a good lick on my anus and stuck his hammer in it and fucked me hard like an animal. I couldn’t help but scream like hell. Everyone heard us.”
My jaw dropped. I could not imagine what would come well out of this sex.
“If you wonder what benefit it could be, it will help you stabilize your sense of survival. If someone never made it till the end of the month financially. Maybe they should try this kind of sex.”
“Try it and you will never be poor.” Fleur laughed out loud.
“Thank! I think my root chakra is well balance.”
“I have a concern.” I paused.
“Tell me anything” She sat up straight and moved closer to me.
“If someone makes love to me like that, I would think he just wants my body but not my heart. Doesn’t he supposed to be gentle to whom he loves, does he?”
“Oh my love, it doesn’t need to be like that. I love my boyfriend, and he loves me too. Sex that you are familiar with is from the fourth chakra, the heart.”
“Anahata?” I added.
“Yes, sweet and gentle like the cool breeze.”
The memory of Angel flashed into my mind. His skin’s smell came to live in my present. He touched me with his fingertip slowly, the touch that left no mark yet imprinted intensely into my soul.
“Any kind of sex doesn’t imply how much one loves one another. It doesn’t mean a sour taste isn’t good if you like a sweet taste. Some people may like a sour or even a bitter taste. It is just a personal preference.”
“You have a good point again. Thank you, Fleur. You have opened my eyes.”
“Anytime, my dear sister.” She smiled
She was right. That was simply truth in all things that I forgot to apply to love and sex for some reason. It seemed to me that there was only one best way to express love and sex, and that was my way. I felt the slightly thin layer of the conditioning was fading away. The shame around sex was loosened and left me feeling lighter.
“How about the fifth chakra, the throat, and above?” I asked.
“The Vishuddha says that it is as beautiful as angel lovemaking of angels so appropriate even if it performs in public.”
“Wow, that sounds wonderful.”
“However, I have never experienced that, and beyond this level, I have not known enough. Maybe, one day!”
“I would like to have that experience too.”
“If you do, you must let me know!” She demanded.
“Of course,” I laughed.
“But I think you will have that experience first, I am just a newbie in the sensual world. I have not yet experienced what you just shared with me. ”
“Would you like to try?” She paused and looked at me intensively.
“I could ask my boyfriend.”
“He is an incredible lover. He knew everything about women and how to give women pleasure.”
“Arr…I am sure he does but what do you exactly mean?”
“He likes you very much.”
“I like you too. You are pretty and funny. I like your gentleness but yet strong inside.”
“You make me blush.”
“We talked about you a lot.”
“About me? You do?”
“We fantasize to have you on our love altar.”
“Arr… I am not sure I understand.”
“What I mean is — would you like to have sex with my boyfriend? With us?”
Had you ever been in that moment? when a second seemed like a minute and a minute seemed like an hour when the time paused, and everything seemed slower? You could just go back in your head and repeated everything that just happened to make sure that it was real and not just a crazy dream.
To be continued…
My name is Lita Jane, spreading Love, sharing Relationship tips, and sneak peeks into the Sexuality and Spiritual realm.
This story is part of Wild Love Holy Island, the Series. Signing up for my newsletter for the coming stories.
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